By Bill Rapp

There aren't many game systems that allow players to compare themselves to other players in terms of a rating. This is due to a number of factors; lack of data, lack of significant numbers of players, lack of a balanced playing field, lack of a method of rating players fairly. We believe that we have overcome all of these problems with the WORLD CONQUEST PLAYER RATING SYSTEM as described below!

In building this system, we included EVERY game turn from April 1991 through the present! This includes game data from as early as Game 15! Every turn ever played by our subscribers from April 1991 was sorted by date, and compiled in the computer, giving PTS the ability to retrofit this rating system - a massive task that took over a year to complete!

As you have gained experience in WORLD CONQUEST, you have become a better player. THE WC PLAYER RATINGS gives you a way to compare yourself with other players. This system is designed to encourage player continuity which benefits players and moderator alike.

Green:--------->Played 0-25 turns
Trained:-------->Played 26+ turns OR earned 1-49 Victory Points
Veteran:-------->Played 50+ turns AND earned 150+ Victory Points
Crack:---------->Played 75+ turns AND earned 300+ VP's AND won 1 game
Elite:------------>Played 100+ turns AND earned 500+ VP's AND won 3 games
Ace:------------>Played 150+ turns AND earned 1000+ VP's AND won 5 games
Legend:--------->Played 200+ turns AND earned 2000+ VP's AND won 6 games
At the beginning of a game (turn 1), each of the starting player's experience level contributes Victory Points as listed below. The VPs of all 12 players are added together to equal the game's base Victory Point value. (The contributions are NOT taken away from the individual players existing VPs.)


Green:----------10 points
Trained:---------20 points
Veteran:---------40 points
Crack:-----------80 points
Elite:------------160 points
Ace:------------200 points
Legend:---------250 points
Example: Game 880 starts up with the following levels of players:

3 Trained = 3 X 20 VPs = 60 VPs
5 Veteran = 5 X 40 VPs = 200 VPs
2 Crack = 2 X 80 VPs = 160 VPs
1 Elite = 1 X 160 VPs = 160 VPs
1 Ace = 1 X 200 VPs = 200 VPs

VP Game Value = 780 VPs

In addition, when the game ends, 3 points are added for each turn completed.

Example: Game 880 = 780 base points

30 Turns x 3 VP's each = 90 turn points

Game 880 = 780 + 90 = 870 total game points

When the game ends, each SURVIVING player gets a percentage of the game points*.

1st = 40% 2nd = 20% 3rd = 10% 4th = 7%
5th = 6% 6th = 5% 7th = 3% 8th = 3%
9th = 2% 10th = 2% 11th = 1% 12th = 1%

Example: 1st = 84 VP's (870 game points x 40% = 346 VP's)
2nd = 42 VP's (870 game points x 20% = 174 VP's)
3rd = 21 VP's (870 game points x 10% = 87 VP's)
and so forth

The above example is a simplification since it is the rare game that ends with no DEAD or STANDBY players. To ensure that the surviving players receive all 100% of the available VPs, we use an averaging equation that distributes the unclaimed points (from dead and standby positions) proportionately among the surviving players. (So your VP's will be slightly higher to reflect this calculation.)

IN ADDITION, each surviving player gets 3 points for each population center (metro, city, town and village) he controls at the end of the game.

Example: The winner had 12 Cities & 3 Villages at game's end for a total of 15 population centers. 15 x 3 = 45 VP's.

This means that the game winner in the Example would get:

346 VP's for coming in first.
+45 VP's for his 15 population centers
391 VP's Total

We believe that the WC rating system meets the needs of being able to accurately assess our current subscribers abilities and will be capable of standing the test of time as we grow!

* (Although team games VPs are rated like all other game, the distribution of the surviving VP percentages are modified on a game-to-game basis, based on a number of factors.)

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